"Nurture has a long tradition of meeting and exceeding the highest quality standards."
As an international player in the global food chain, we check the quality & safety of all incoming raw materials, ingredients, and finished products. Emphasis is given to the right selection, scientific processing and efficacy evaluation of different herbs and other ingredients being used as part of our unique formulations. We perform the hygiene audits of all our manufacturing & distribution units and test all our product batches for microbial loads, heavy metals etc. before dispatching to ensure a disease-free environment.
We rely on a rigorous, integrated system of quality checks, physical inspections, analytical controls, and good manufacturing practices based on a strategic risk evaluation. The implementation of our Quality System at all our production and distribution facilities includes HACCP, QA/QC, and a full traceability.
In addition to our in-house quality control tools and procedures, our operations comply with the highest worldwide safety regulations established by numerous international safety authorities, such as FAMIQS, GMP, ISO (9001:2015, 14001:2015, 45001:2018), India Organic and USDA Organic.