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Act Skin Care

Wound Healing Spary


ACT SKIN CARE is a Broad Spectrum Topical Spray for Deep Seated and Maggotted wounds, Eczema, Ringworm, Pruritus & other Skin Problems.


  • Promotes and hastens natural wound healing.
  • Effective against skin affections like mange, ringworm, dermatomycosis & other fungal infections.
  • Effective in healing all kinds of wounds including deep-seated FMD lesion, deep cuts, foot rot, etc.
  • Prevents maggots, stops re-infestation effectively and larvicidal & fly repellent activity.
  • Anti-inflammatory, antipruritic, antiparasitic and antimicrobial.

Directions for Use & Dosage

Clean the affected part with cotton. Follow with spraying Act Wound Spray directly on the affected part of the skin to cover the wound completely twice or thrice daily. Continue till complete cure is achieved.

Packaging & Storage

100 ml, 250ml Spray Bottle