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DD Shrimp Tonic

Immunity Enhancing Multivitamins with Choline and Amino Acids.


DD shrimp tonic

Enhance immunity with the help of multi-vitamins, and amino acids which can supply nourishment, increase energy and promote growth


  • Prevents and corrects avitaminosis and maintains nutrition states.
  • Reduces mortality and supports supplemental states of growth.
  • Maintains regular molting, improves shell formation and growth rate.
  • Reduces stress and convalescence period.

Direction for Usage & Dosage

  • For Shrimp : 5 to 10ml/kg of feed as top dressing
  • For Fishes : 10 to 15ml/kg of feed as top dressing
  • For shrimp & Fish hatchery : 5 to 10ml/MT of water volume.

Packaging & Storage

Container of 1 ltr. x 12 nos. a carton