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Epicin 3W

Biological Aquaculture Pond Treatment


EPICIN-3W is a natural microbial ecosystem with added stabilizers and growth media for detoxifying aquaculture grow-out ponds. It eliminates water-fouling waste products such as ammonia, nitrites and hydrogen sulfide, thereby lowering stress and providing a healthier environment for aquatic animal growth. It also improves animal health and disease resistance by creating a probiotic environment.


  • Effectively and rapidly reduces from pond water dangerous levels of ammonia, nitrite, and sulfide pollutants.
  • Establishes a strong natural bacteria culture in the pond that suppresses the growth of harmful bacteria such as Vibrio sp.
  • Increases animal survival and yields. Allows higher stocking densities.
  • Reduces need for water exchanges providing a more bio-secure environment.
  • Leaves behind cleaner pond soil reducing pond renovation costs and downtime.
  • Mineralizes organic matter to produce nutrients for pond algae that feed the shrimp.
  • Mineralization reduces the need for traditional chemical fertilization.
  • Is formulated for pond-side grow-up to deliver maximum microbial cells economically.

Direction for Usage & Dosage

Keep dry

Do not store continuously at temperatures above 40°C.

Store out of direct sunlight in a well-ventilated area.

Do not pre-mix with other products not recommended by Epicore especially biocides and harsh chemicals.

Packaging & Storage

Supplied in 500 gm containers