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Multienzyme Feed Supplement


NATACID is a unique blend of short chain and medium chain organic fatty acids effective against both gram-positive & gram-negative bacteria. NATACID is composed of acidifiers that modulate the microflora by controlling the growth of harmful bacteria & improving gut health.

With the increased demand for antibiotic free diets in animal production, producers are looking for organic & safe alternatives. Organic acids have been identified as the best alternative to antibiotic growth promoters as they act like AGPs and control the enteric pathogens which compete for essential nutrients with gut microflora. Organic acids are also beneficial to improve digestive enzyme activity, microbial phytase activity, reduce the pH levels in the small intestines & increase growth of intestinal mucosa. Organic acids also inhibit the growth of harmful bacteria & fungi in stored feed, reduce feed spoilage & improve feed quality.

NATACID provides a combination of selected organic acids in right quantities that optimize gut health throughout the GI tract, improve digestion & nutrient absorption and promote growth & performance.


  • In livestock animal nutrition, Organic acidifier and their performance promotion effects via three different ways, as currently reviewed by Kirchgessner and Roth, 1988 in the feed, in the gastro-intestinal tract and due to effects onto the metabolism of the livestock.
  • Boosts Antimicrobial activity against gram positive and gram negative bacteria like E. coli, Salmonella and Streptococci etc.
  • Modulates micro flora by controlling growth of harmful bacteria & improving gut health.
  • Alternative to AGPs and control pathogen growth.
  • Increases resistence against pathogens & modulates intestinal microbiota.
  • Improves feed quality & palatability by controlling growth of bacteria & fungi in feed.
  • Maximizes Profit.
  • Improves digestion & absorption of nutrients for better weight gain, performance & FCR.

Directions for Use & Dosage

For Poultry, Swine and other Livestock: 500gm – 1kg per metric ton of feed

Or as suggested by the veterinarian.

Packaging & Storage

25 kg bag.