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Botanica Chol

Choline in Natural & Esterified Conjugated Stable Form


Choline is a vitamin – like essential feed supplement for animal nutrition. It an essential structural component for synthesizing  phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelin, two major phospholipids to form & maintain the structural integrity of all cell membranes. Acetylcholine, a derivative of choline is an important neurotransmitter for muscle control & nervous system functions. It is a source of labile methyl groups required for many metabolic steps & is known as “Lipotiopic factor” due to its role in transport & metabolism of fats in the liver. However choline is inorganic/synthetic form is less bioavailable, enhances oxidative destruction of other vitamins due to its hygroscopic nature & portions of it are converted to TMA which is toxic to the animals.

BOTANICA CHOL is an herbal, non-toxic, bioavailable choline in conjugated/esterified form (phosphatidylcholine, lecithin & equivalents). It optimizes energy metabolism, controls fatty liver syndrome and supports several other metabolic functions in the animal’s body. It supports the synthesis of choline in the animal body & prevents abnormal accumulation of fat (fatty liver) by promoting its transport as lecithin or by increasing the utilization of fatty acids in the liver itself.

In addition BOTANICA CHOL has ingredients with multi functional activity that increases resistance against microbial infections, prevents oxidative damage by free radicals, reduces oxidative stress, prevents shortage of nutrients by storing vitamins, minerals & sugar and enhances utilization of dietary energy for productive body function improvements. All these effect strengthen liver and regulate body metabolism to inhibit further liver cell damage in favor of their regeneration that readily reflects in terms of increased growth performance.


  • Shows prominent antioxidant, hepato-protective, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-microbial & immunomodulator activity.
  • Its anti-oxidative effect inhibits oxidation by free radicals, reduce oxidative stress & protect the liver from damaging toxins.
  • An efficient, safe & economical substitute to synthetic choline chloride.
  • Improve egg production, hatchability and livability.
  • Improves carcass quality & carcass yields.
  • Improves feed metabolism & its utilization resulting in better feed conversion (FCR), growth & production performances.
  • Promotes healthy liver function, cellular repair and stimulates healing & regeneration.
  • Helps to minimize fatty liver & abdominal fat deposition.
  • Optimizes fat metabolism & enhances lipid penetration from liver to cells.
  • Esterified choline wraps particles of fat & cholesterol to form emulsions that allow fat to be absorbed & improve digestion.
  • Helps maintain proper feed intake, digestion & absorption of nutrients.

Directions for Use & Dosage

For Poultry: 350gm-500gm per ton of feed (as a replacement of 1kg (60%) choline chloride per ton of feed)
For Swine: 500gm-700gm per ton of feed (as a replacement of 1kg (60%) choline chloride per ton of feed)
For Aqua: 500gm-700gm per ton of feed (as a replacement of 1kg (60%) choline chloride per ton of feed)

Or as directed by veterinarian

Packaging & Storage

25 kg bag.