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Act Antiflam Spray

Anti-inflammatory Spray For Mastitis


Mastitis is the most widely prevalent of all the major diseases that cause losses to dairy farmers. Physiological changes in milk, pathological change & bacterial growth in glandular tissue, increased leukocyte count in milk and decrease in milk quality & yield are common characteristics of an inflamed udder.

Traditional methods of mastitis treatment involve the use of synthetic solutions that only have the drawbacks of late detection, high costs, residues in milk but also have limited effectiveness due to broad spectrum of pathogens causing mastitis, and can lead to anti-biotic resistance.

ACT ANTIFLAM SPRAY is a non-antibiotic herbal spray for topical application on udder & teats for treatment of mastitis, providing non-irritatant protection against microbes & ensuring hygiene.


  • Reduces pain & swelling in clinical mastitis of milking animals & provides cooling & soothing effect on inflamed udder.
  • Prevents cross infection chances of establishing infection to the healthy quarters.
  • Closes the teat opening/sphincter & prevents chances of microbial entry.
  • Facilitates easy stripping of milk from painful udder.
  • Contains herbal emollients and moisturizers that help to prevent teat sores and cracks.

Directions for Use & Dosage :

Bovine: Spray ACT ANTIFLAM after each milking as a supportive therapy to cure inflammation.

Other Animals: Spray ACT ANTIFLAM in sufficient quantity after cleaning to cover affected/ inflamed area.


Shake well before use. Spray ACT ANTIFLAM in sufficient quantity after cleaning to cover affected areas like entire udder, teats or any other inflamed area in livestock animals.

Packaging & Storage

100 ml, 250ml Spray Bottle