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Defense Remedy for Respiratory Disorders


RESPIRARE is a balanced and synergistic combination of powerful essential oils that provides an outstanding, cost-efficient performance in alleviation of symptoms, associated with infectious or non-infectious respiratory diseases, boosts appetite and enhances the growth of livestock. Respiratory problems can be triggered due to infections by bacteria, viruses & fungi, exposure to allergens, and management or environmental changes. The resultant irritation and inflammation of the respiratory tract rapidly spreads the infection through the flock through sneezing, wheezing and coughing. It is therefore important to pre-empt this and react quickly to alleviate respiratory distress. The build-up of mucus in the respiratory tract severely reduces oxygen intake causing breathlessness, loss of dietary intake and a drop in energy levels of the animals, which has a negative impact on weight gain and performance. RESPIRARE is a respiratory system defense support product with flavoring and aromatic effects, which helps to alleviate respiratory symptoms and to provide extra comfort for livestock.


  • Excellent support during breathing and respiratory problems.
  • Facilitate easy breathing, sooths the respiratory system with optimum uptake of oxygen & keeps it clean to ensure normal breathing.
  • Expectorant, mucolytic, decongestant, antimicrobial, anti-allergic and bronchodilator activities.
  • Has a relaxing, antibacterial, secretory, refreshing and cooling effect.
  • Has strong stress relieving & anti-inflammatory activities.
  • Promotes mucus dilution.
  • Stimulates immune system and helps in overcoming stress.
  • Prevents a build-up of ammonia, a respiratory irritant which can exacerbate respiratory problems.
  • Extra comfort to livestock in hot weather.
  • Increased resistance against digestive pathogens.
  • Appetite stimulant, enhances feed intake, weight gain, and performance.
  • Improve resistance to various respiratory infections.

Directions for Use & Dosage

Poultry :

  • Chicks/Broilers: 0–2 weeks→8ml/100 Birds
  • Growers/Broilers: 2–4 weeks → 16ml/100 Birds
  • Layers/Broilers: above 4 weeks → 32 ml/100 Birds
    (To be given through water throughout the day for 10 days)
  • Swine: 8 – 10 ml orally twice daily for 3-5 day
  • Sheep & Goat: 8 – 10 ml orally twice daily for 3-5 days
  • Cattle: 30 ml orally twice daily for 3-5 days
    Shake well before use

Packaging & Storage

100 ml & 1 litre.