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Botanica C Liquid

Natural Bioavailable Vitamin C


BOTANICA-C is a unique blend of potent chosen herbs selected for their synergistic and adaptogenic properties which allow them to work together for a more active and better regulated defence immune system. Its powerful natural wellness herbal formula having potent Antioxidants, Vitamin C, Tannins & other plants phytoconstituents replaces the use of synthetic Vitamin C in feed, It superficially work as Free Radical Scavengers & Adaptogens on its optimum level to control high levels of stress hormones and enhance the function of immune cells throughout the body. They decrease the organism’s susceptibility to illness by allowing it to “adapt” to the stressful circumstances by raising nonspecific resistance towards such stress that leads to allow the body to maintain optimal homeostasis.


  • Reduces the production of cortisol (Stress hormone).
  • Increases resistance to stress.
  • Promotes a healthy resistance to external pressures and aids in assimilation and metabolism of nutrients.
  • Supports cell function by helping cells access energy & protects body from harmful effects of toxins.
  • Effective in stalling degenerative processes and senescence, promotes longevity.
  • Helps in greater absorption of oxygen.
  • Rejuvenates and detoxes cells.
  • Regulates protein and DNA synthesis and cell growth that is critical in helping the immune system to perform its role of
  • fighting infections.
  • Support the proper functioning of the immune system by enhancing the body’s natural defense mechanism.
  • Helps immune system to revitalize body with better resistance power against recurrent infections.

Directions for Use & Dosage

Chicks                         : 5ml per 100 birds/day
Grower/Finishers  : 7ml per 100 birds/day
Layers/Breeders    : 10ml per 100 birds/day
Poultry                      : 500 ml – 1 ltr of water
Large Animals        : 40-50 ml / day
Small Animals        : 20-30 ml / day

Or as directed by Veterinary Consultant

Packaging & Storage

1 Litre, 5 Litre & 30 Litre.