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Shrimp culture can be more productive and profitable when all the problems have been carefully controlled, especially pH fluctuation. The pH is balanced when the plankton concentration is balanced.
NOVA BLUE screens direct bright sunlight hitting the water and offers shading. NOVA BLUE is a pond/lake Colourant used to create shading in water. Its an environmentally friendly product and safe for aquatic species (Shrimps/Fish) and the pond environment.

Shrimp farmers usually find Benthic algae/aquatic moss to be problem. Benthic algae is a type of aquatic moss that bloom / persist in the pond due to temperature changes and direct sunlight that create fresh nutrients for the algae / aquatic moss or when external nutrients such as feed are added to the pond. The presence of algae/aquatic moss impacts productivity and may lead to weakened produce (shrimp and
fish), increasing their susceptibility to pathogens. The algae / aquatic moss can also impact growth rates and FCR. Killing the algae / aquatic moss outright using harmful chemicals can be problematic, however it is more prudent to proactively manage their presence by managing production systems to ensure a proper balance of nutrients. Nova blue is a non-toxic, pond colourant that adds a blue color to the water to
reduce sunlight penetration. Since it provides shade, Nova Blue helps to reduce growth by blocking photosynthesis.Thus Nova Blue helps the pond have a balance of algae / aquatic moss planktons and otherorganisms that are key for a healthy aquatic ecosystem and at the same time is safe for the aquatic species.


  • Maintains the color of water and improves water quality in the ponds.
  • Controls water temperature, sunlight concentration and pH is balanced.
  • Balances photosynthesis of plankton and algae.
  • Used for solving water quality from the plankton crash and sudden change of water color during the culture.
  • Safe and Non-Toxic to Aquatic Life.

Aquatic moss usually live on ponds bottom. When aquatic moss / algae concentration increases, plankton (i.e. source of nutrition for aquatic life) formulation is impacted since aquatic moss / algae feed on the planktons. When there is a plankton bloom, the aquatic moss / algae do not get access to direct sunlight, due to which they can’t perform photosynthesis and die. The dead aquatic moss/algae will rott, cause
water polllution and degrade pond water quality.
During pond preparation Nova Blue should be used two days after the water is filled. Nova Blue blocks the sunlight and prevents the problems created due to algae / aquatic moss.

Direction for Usage & Dosage

Apply 250 gms of Nova Blue per Acre once a month.
Nova Blue will be maintained in water for as long as 15-25 days.

Packaging & Storage

500 gm Container x 20 nos./Case.