What is CHOLINE and Why is it Important?
Choline is an essential nutrient in animal health. It is It is known for it’s role in liver functions, but it plays several other roles in the body.
- As a phospholipid, it is a structural of lecithin phosphatidylcholine and sphingomyelins. Hence, it forms and maintains the structural integrity of the cell membrane.
- Acetylcholine, a derivative of choline, is an important neurotransmitter.
- It plays an essential role in transport and metabolism of fats in the liver. Hence, it is also known as ‘lipotropic factor’.
- It is a source of labile methyl groups required in many metabolic steps.
Deficiency: A deficiency of choline in the animal body has many detrimental effects including steatosis, hepatocarcinomas and metabolic disorders like abnormal phospholipid synthesis, defective lipoprotein secretion and oxidative damage.
The liver is able to synthesize some amount of endogenous choline, in the form of phosphatidylcholine, but it is not in sufficient amounts to meet the animal’s requirement. Hence, dietary intake of choline is important.
ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE is a herbal product for animal feeds that contains non-toxic bioavailable choline in conjugated/esterified form (Phosphatidylcholine, lecithin and equivalents) for animals which optimizes energy metabolism, controls fatty liver syndrome, reduces body fat and supports the several other metabolic functions in the animal’s body. It supports the synthesis of choline in their body and thereby prevents abnormal accumulation of fat (fatty livers) by promoting its transport as lecithin or by increasing the utilization of fatty acids in the liver itself.
In addition, ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE has the multifunctional activity of ingredients that increase resistance against microbial infections, prevent oxidative damage by free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, prevent shortage of nutrients by storing vitamins, minerals and sugar, enhance utilization of dietary energy for productive body functions improvements. All these effects strengthen liver and regulate body metabolism and ultimately inhibit further liver cell damage in favor of their regeneration that readily reflects in terms of increased growth performances.
Biosynthesis of Choline
How does ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE compare to Choline Chloride 60% (synthetic)?
- Act Organic Choline mimics the action of choline, but without its ill effects.
- Act Organic Choline improves growth, FCR and production performances.
The Effect of Choline Chloride on Vitamins – Adverse Effects:
Role of ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE in Fat Metabolism:
The natural choline conjugates of Herbal Choline enter the animal cells and release highly labile methyl groups which help in energy metabolism.
The choline released is also taken up in the biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine which helps maintain cell integrity and promotes growth of new healthy cells for growth.
The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are a group of nuclear receptor proteins expressed in liver, kidney, heart, muscle and adipose tissues. They play essential roles in the regulation of cellular differentiation, development and metabolism (both energy & protein).
Scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have found that phosphatidylcholine binds with PPAR-α, allowing PPAR-α to regulate fat metabolism.
Choline, especially phosphatidylcholine, is essential for transporting lipids from the liver. Therefore, in choline deficiency, fat accumulates in the liver, which can result in fatty liver disease. Adequate choline intake is needed for proper liver function and to prevent such conditions.
Mode of Action:
- ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE shows prominent antioxidant, Hepatoprotective, Anti-inflammatory, Analgesic, Antimicrobial, immunomodulator activity thereby it strengthens and supports healthy life cycle.
- The anti-oxidative effect of ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE inhibits oxidation by free radicals and terminate their chain reactions thereby preventing or slowing the damage to cells.
- Hepatoprotection is the ability to prevent damage to the liver. The liver performs a vital role in metabolism, secretion, storage, and detoxification of endogenous and exogenous substances. Oxidative stress and free radicals enhance the severity of hepatic damage which hinders its normal functioning and accumulation of free fatty acids.
- Release of pro-inflammatory cytokines which progressively cause cytosolic fatty acid accumulation and the production of reactive oxidative species can be overcome by the antioxidant activity of ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE as it is the best source of phytochemicals like antioxidants, saponins, lignans, alkaloids, steroids, flavonoids, tannins etc. that targets oxidative stress effectively and mediate hepatoprotective activity. All these effects strengthen liver and regulate body metabolism and ultimately favor the growth and high FCR by the animals.
Fatty liver may cause no damage, but sometimes the excess fat leads to inflammation of the liver. An inflamed liver may become scarred and hardened over time and may lead to liver failure. Anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antimicrobial activity of ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE reduces inflammation (swelling, tenderness, fever, pain), thereby protecting liver damage.
These multifunctional activities of ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE prove it to be superior than synthetic choline chloride not only in regards to protection and prevention from liver complains by showing the better histo-architecture on all sampling days but also by delivering healthy and nutritional diet to animals, leading to maximum performances at the end of trial in successful progressive manner throughout the experiment (Refer to Slide 19 – Trial Report on ‘ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE’ in Broilers)
The several disadvantages of Synthetic choline chloride like unlikeliness of its obnoxious smell, mechanical damage to the intestinal epithelium (caused by its corrosive nature), conversion into hepatotoxic compound like trimethylamine (TMA) with fishy odor and enhancement of the oxidative destruction of vitamins due to its hygroscopic nature makes its use limited. On the other hand, the Herbal formulation of ACT ORGANIC CHOLINE makes its use globally expanded as there are no any such side effects like there are in synthetic choline chloride.
Product Benefits:
- In improving feed intake, digestion, & absorption of nutrients.
- In preventing the occurrence of fatty liver disease.
- In improving production performance.
- In improving egg production, hatchability and livability.
- Improves average live weight & gain in weight in Poultry birds.
- Improves feed consumption & FCR.
- No withdrawal period.
- Decreases mortality.
- Reduces use of antibiotics.
- No development of bacterial resistance
- No contraindication